
As your #TitaOfManila who has tried dating plenty of times (sorry dear parental units, but I dated too many guys without your knowledge) in a span of 5 years, I feel like I have some sort of responsibility to share with you, dear boys and girls, some warning signs that you should be aware of while you are dating. I am obviously not the expert with my success rate of 0%, but maybe you might absorb some wisdom from this super picky Tita 😛

1. He or she changes his/her Facebook profile photo more than a teenager uploads a temporary profile pic.
Sorry to hurt your social media feelings but your date has high probability of being a narcissist. Gym selfies, Tiger photo selfies, More face than background selfies, Selfies with celebrities, Duck face selfies, Selfies showing their luxurious bags/cars- STAY AWAY FROM THEM. THIS IS A WARNING. You will soon find out that he or she perceives that the world revolves around them.

2. He or she whines all the time.
I think this is applicable not just in picking partners but also in choosing friends. Why would you want to be with a negative person? Sure, we all face problems in life but there’s no point in ranting about your issues ALL THE TIME. Even if you’re a good listener, negative people will suck out all your positive energy. You can never have a healthy relationship with a toxic person.

3. He or she treats waiters, bartenders, drivers, guards, helpers, etc. with rudeness.
There are people in this world who may seem nice to you but they talk down on other people. You’ve seen him/her shout when he or she’s dissatisfied with customer service. He or she disrespects people just because he/she feels entitled that he/she is the boss. It only means one thing: they are not genuinely kind. Be very careful for they will show their true colors soon.

4. He or she talks about his/her ex all the time.
He or she has not clearly moved on from his/her past. If you do not want a rebound relationship, give him/her some plenty of recovery time OR stay away from him/her. He or she is not yet ready.

5. He or she is too clingy and needy.
You only started dating but he or she’s already forcing you to give updates on your whereabouts, craves for your attention and companionship 24/7. You’re happy when you’re together but he/she does not feel happy when you want your “me time.” At first it might appear as sweet but you’ll soon get annoyed with the other person’s controlling ways. 

6. He or she does not show interest in your life.
He or she is a great talker. It may seem entertaining; but soon, you will feel insignificant when he/she’s just happy to talk about his/her self. He/she does not even care about how your day went so why waste your time on him/her?

7.  He or she wants to change you.
You’ll always meet this date who will try to change you. Debates and suggestions can be OK but when he/she tries to persuade you ALL THE TIME to alter your views, your religion, your lifestyle, and even your physical appearance… then maybe your date has this certain mold that he/she wants you to fill in.

8. He or she is just a fuckboi/fuckgurl.
He/she is only after sex and having a good time. He/she is only after F-U-N so do not think that you could change his/her ways. He/she is simply not the “commitment type.” 

9. You’re always the one initiating.
Dating takes two to tango but if you’re always the one initiating for dates and conversations… then maybe he/she is not into you. Yes, dating can be very painful 🙁

10. He/she does not excite you.
There’s no spark. There’s no attraction. You just like his/her company. This only means one thing: you’re headed for a platonic relationship 😛 Do not convince yourself that you will learn to love him/her for you might just end up hurting his/her feelings.

I know it’s hard to find a decent date nowadays but always remember that you should never settle for anyone just for the sake of being in a relationship.

​Feel free to comment your dating red flags too 😉

Happy dating, everyone! Spread the love!

Tita Jazz

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