
When I was born into this world, my Mama was 33. I was her fourth child, the youngest, her Minnie.33 years later, I am 33, single, and still my Mama’s Minnie :)) I may not have turned out to be what I expected myself to be when I was 3 (yo it rhymes!), yet I am happy and contented with my beautiful life experiences and the wonderful people I’ve crossed paths with.

As dramatic and sentimental as it may sound, I am listing down some of my life’s lessons to remind myself about my positivity during my darkest moments. Maybe you’ll also learn something from the oldie Tita 😛

1. Always treat people with kindness and respect, no matter what their status in life is. The best way to be human is to show compassion.

2. Family will always be number 1, no matter what.

3. Boys are temporary but crushes can be forever.

4. Working out can be the best cure for dysmenorrhea, angst, depression, low self-esteem, and cravings for bacon.

5. Stay away from negative people. They will suck out all your energy.

6. Always appreciate what you have. Do not compare yourself to other people.

7. Not everything’s meant to last. Do not get too attached with things and people. Some relationships were there to teach us lessons.

8. Traveling is the best education. It will teach you about other culture, history, people, beauty, strangeness, and getting lost.

9. Everybody has innate goodness, no matter how evil they seem to be.

10. A personal god is more meaningful than following a religion that you cannot comprehend.

11. You’re not living to please other people and to care about their impression on you.

12. Intelligence, sense of humor, and personality will always be more attractive in the long run (but gasp! harder to find). Physical attraction will soon wane.

13. The best job isn’t all about the title and money. Enjoyment, finding your passion, and work-life balance will always be more fulfilling.

14. Always show people that they matter because #YOLO

15. Experiences over material things

16. Give up on whining. It will only stress your mind.

17. Quality over quantity (friends, food, material things, travels, workouts, etc.)

18. You will not always have the same values with other people. Do not get pissed off when they let you down, instead be thankful that your parents raised you well.

19. Dance and have fun. It’s the little things in life that will make you feel alive.

20. Go out of your comfort zone from time to time.

21. Do not let others bully you. Sometimes you have to be a bitch.

22. Birthdays are often overrated but it can make you sentimental.

 Hello, I’m 33 and I’m alive! 😉

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